16-11-2006 News 1

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We began this new publication stage, with the objective to give answer to numerous requests by side of our clients, who required greater information about natural solutions to the present problems of health. Through this one bulletin, we will try to approach the information and the latest news in reference to the natural health and alternative life style more integrated with the Nature and our inner balance.

We give the welcome and also we invited to you to participate in the bulletin contents, through our COMMENTS & TIPS

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Something more about the influenza

The influenza is the respiratory infection that visit us every year, with renewed determination. Most of people have experienced a certain number of infections throughout their life. Although sporadic cases exist, the influenza usually appears in form of epidemic or pandemic. This year can be in addition specially virulent, due to a new front of influenza coming from the birds (the influenza of the chicken) in this last case it accompanies by a strong index of morbidity and mortality (During an epidemic that underwent Italy in 1999-2001, virus H7N1, initially of low repercussion, had a mutation after nine months becoming in a variant much more contagious. More than 13 million birds died or were sacrificed). They are 15 subtypes known of influenza virus that infect the birds, which represent an ample catalog of influenza virus.

These two epidemics have a hard economic impact due to the losses of working hours that cause the disease when it affects to the active populace and the number of animals that they have to sacrifice.

Most of the people affected by the disease recover in less than one week, with any treatment or hospital care; but in old people and who have a disease like diabetes, cardiac affections and respiratory diseases, the influenza can get to be fatal.

The influenza has affected to the man throughout history. The first reference was on 1580. During the last century three pa...

Illustrious appointments:

"The Life is a disease sexually transmitted, whose outcome is fatal."

(A medical Dean from Paris)

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Oxygen Therapies

Hydrogen Peroxide is maked in a natural way into the human body, which maintains during a lifetime its levels without change. It is part of a system that helps the body to regulate the membranes of alive cells; it is a hormonal regulator, necessary in the production of Estrogens, Progesterone and Tiroxine, it is essential to regulate the levels of sugar in the blood, as well in the production of Energy on all the cells of the body. It helps to regulate some chemical elements that operate in the brain and nervous system. It has a stimulative and regulator effect on the immunologic system and it can eliminate direct or indirectly virus, bacteria, parasites, fermentations, fungi and other varieties of harmful organisms. However the production of this important element in the human organism can suffer alterations for an infinity of environmental as infectious and nervous causes.

The studies demonstrate, the metabolic positive effect when giving in an oral way a rich stabilized oxygen solution which has the capacity to oxidize almost any pathological substance besides producing an increment of the Cellular Oxygen into tissue, that which has demonstrated to have an high therapeutic value, adding a new page in the modern medicine history.

The oxidation, is not the same thing that the oxygenation; properly this, the term oxidation means, the absorption or cleaning of an electron of any molecule that ha...


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