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The DNA it can be influenced and be programmed again by words and frequencies, according to it has demonstrated the last discoveries of Russian scientists. The human DNA he is one biological, and superior one in many aspects to the artificial one. The last Russian investigation, direct or indirectly explains phenomena like Clear-sightedness, spontaneous and remote intuition, acts of healing, techniques of affirmation, unusual dawns of light around people (mainly masterful spiritual), the mental influence on the patterns of time and much more.

In addition, evidence for a new type of medicine exists in which the DNA it can be influenced and be reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT removing and replacing the individual genes. Only 10% of our DNA are being used to produce proteins. It is this sub-classification of the DNA categorie the one that is of interest for the western investigators and is being examined.

Other 90% are considered "DNA sweepings". The Russian investigators, of all ways, convinced that the nature was not quiet, reunited to genetists, and linguists in a company to explore those 90% of "DNA sweepings". Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary!

According to them, our DNA he is not only responsible for the construction of our body but that also serves like storage as information and communication. The Russian linguists discovered that the genetic code, of apparently unsuitable 90%, follows the same rules that all the human languages. For this aim they compared the rules of the syntax (the form in which the words are put together to form a phrase and orations), the semantics (the study of the meaning in the forms of the language) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that alkaline ones of our DNA follow the grammar regular and have established rules like our languages. So the languages did not appear by coincidence but that they are a reflection of our inherent DNA. The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibracional conduct of the DNA. According to the investigator: "the function of the living chromosomes is like the holográficas/solitónicas computers using the endogenous laser radiation of the DNA".

This means that they fixed them, for example to modulate certain patterns of frequency towards a laser beams and with him they influenced the frequency of the DNA and thus the same genetic information. Since the basic structure of the alkaline pairs of the DNA and those of the language (as we explained previously) is of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and orations of the human language! This also was proven experimentally!

The living substance of the DNA (woven living, not in Vitro) will always react to laser beamses of modulated language and still to radio waveses, if the appropriate frequencies are used. This finally and scientifically explains why the affirmations of autogenous training, hypnosis and similar, can have resemblances strong effects in the humans and their bodies.

It is completely normal and natural that our DNA it reacts to the language. While the western investigator cuts the individual genes of cords of the DNA and he inserts them in another side, the Russians worked with enthusiasm on instruments that can influence the cellular metabolism through modulated frequencies of agreed radio and frequencies of light and thus to repair genetic defects.

The Group of Garjajevâ´s investigation was successful in proving that these chromosomes of the method damaged by x-rayses for example; they can be repaired. Patrons of information of a DNA in individual caught and they transmitted it towards another one, reprogrammated the cells to another genome. Thus they transformed successfully, for example embryos of frog to embryos of salamanders, simply to transmit the patterns of information of the DNA! This way the complete information was transmitted without no of the collateral effects or deficient arnomy found when they removed and re-introduced originating individual genes of the DNA.

This represents a world-wide revolution of transformation and an incredible sensation! All this simply apply to vibration and language instead of an archaic procedure to trim! This experiment aims at the immense one to be able of the wave genetics, that obvious has a greater influence on the formation of organisms that the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known per years that our body is programmable by means of the language, the words and the thought. This now has been scientifically proven and explained.

Of course, the frequency must be correct. And this is the reason because all are not successful of equal way or can always do it with the same force. The individual must work in the internal processes and maturity to contact conscientious with the DNA. The Russian investigators work in a method that does not depend on these factors but that ALWAYS it works, whenever one uses the correct frequency.

But whatever the elevated individual conscience is smaller more exists the necessity to use some instrument! One can obtain these results by yourself, and science finally will not be smiling any more about such ideas that will confirm and explain the results. And it does not finish there.

The Russian scientists also discovered that our DNA he can cause annoying patterns in the emptiness, thus producing magnetized holes of worm! The worm holes are equivalent microscopic of thus the calls the Einstein-Rosen bridges near the black holes (lazy by stars that exploded). These are tunnel connections between completely different areas in the universe through which the information can be transmitted outside the space and time. The DNA it attracts these bits of information and it passes them to our conscience. This process of hiper communication is of most effective in a relaxation state. Stress, the preoccupations or an intellect to hiper active avoid hiper successful communication or the information totally will be distorted and will be useless. In the nature hiper communication has been applied successful by million years. The organized flow of life in the insect state proves this dramatically. The modern man only knows it in a much more subtle level like "intuition". But we, also, can recover plenary session use of him. An originating example of the Nature: When an ant reigns is separated of its space in its colony, the construction still continues fervent and agreement to the plan. If one kills the queen, anyway, all the work in the colony stops. No ant knows what to do. Apparently the queen sends the "plans of construction" also from very far through the conscience of group to her subjects. It can be as far as she wishes it, whereas she is alive. Hiper communication in the man is more frequently when one suddenly gains access to the information that is outside of the knowledge bases. Resemblance to hiper communication then is experienced like inspiration or intuition. When communication happens híper, one can also observe in the DNA like in the human being a special phenomenon. The Russian scientists radiated DNA samples with laser light. On the screen a typical pattern wave was formed. When they removed the DNA sample the pattern wave did not disappear, she remained. Many controlled experiments showed that the pattern still came from the removed sample, whose field of energy apparently remained by itself. This effect now is called ghost effect DNA.

One estimates that the energy outside the space and of the time still flows through the worm holes as soon as the DNA it has been removed. The collateral effect found in hiper communication also in human beings more frequently is inexplicable electromagnetic fields near the involved people. The electronic devices as as the reproducers of CD's and the similar can be irritated and stop to work per hours. When the electromagnetic field slowly dissipates, the apparatuses work normally again. Many psychic healers and know this effect through their work. Whichever better it is the atmosphere and the energy, at the most frustrating is that the recording apparatus stops its operation and recording exactly then. And, to extinguish and to ignite repeatedly after the session do not restore still the function, but the morning following everything is of return to the normal thing. Perhaps he reaffirms himself reading for many, and he does not have anything to do whereupon they are technically inept; he means that they are good in hiper communication.

And, speaking of spiritual teachers, it is in the canalizations of Kryon, where the terrestrial magnetism acquires a vital and indispensable paper in the communication with our body.

In an interview Lee Carrol (channeler of Kryon), he mentions: "We think that the Earth grid allows the communication to the DNA through the magnetism. 10 years ago this seemed as a fairy tale. In means in which we lived, there are electromagnetic fields throughout, but they are invisible for the human eye. Electric fields by the accumulation of electrical charges in certain zones of the atmosphere take place, by effect of storms. The Earth's magnetic field causes the direction of the needles of the compasses in direction the North-South and the birds and the fish use it to orient themselves. Science already is discovering the effects of the magnetism in the cells of the body, and agree now that the birds and mammals that emigrate use this type of magnetism of the Earth to make these changes. Science is using at the moment concerted efforts of investigation destined to the study of the possible relation between the electromagnetic fields and the cancer, because all we are exposed to a complex combination of electric fields and magnetic, as much in the home as in the work, from which they produce the generation and transmission of electricity, household-electric and the equipment industrial, to produced by the telecommunications and the diffusion of radio and television. This is a recognition of which the magnetic rays if they affect to us."

In addition, the Lees Carrol, say to us that if sometimes we traveled to Mars, we are going to have to simulate the magnetic Earth grid and to take it with us, because without her we could be become ill. Information of Kryon, for 10 years, is that grid magnetic of the Earth helps us to communicate and to relate to our cells, and that the DNA is much more great of which we thought, and is also interdimensional.

The successes of their canalizations seem to verify the theory.

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