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Pre-recorded radionic cards (9,30 x 6 cm.)
Pre-recorded radionic cards (9,30 x 6 cm.)
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Affiliate Program Affiliate Program

“El Grial” does not gather, yields internationally, transfers nor deals with the data facilitated by the affiliated one through the present Program Affiliation.

“El Grial”, only has an access to these data with the intention of being able to know that are affiliated his, as well as to be able to make the commissions generated by the purchases originated from the pages effective Web of those.

AFFILIATED Administration zone.
“El Grial” through the program of OsCommerce, will create an ID and a unique key of access so that each affiliated, can consult at every moment the state of its account and to update or to modify its data. Once read and accepted the present agreement, you podra to accede to its zone, and to lower code HTML of baner or Link that prefers for its Web site.

You will receive a 10% of the sales generated through your Web, like commission by the sale of products of “El Grial”, made through your AFFILIATED site of. So that a sale generates a commission for AFFILIATING, the client must make the order in the site of the AFFILIATED one and pay the total of requested products.

The payment of the commissions will be made monthly. Ten days after the countable closing of the previous month, “El Grial” will communicate to AFFILIATED the total of the originating sales of its site, and these will be paid by means of banking transference to the account that the AFFILIATED one designates previously.

Fulfillment of orders.
“El Grial” will be the only person in charge to process each order made by a client in the site of the AFFILIATED one. “El Grial” reserves the right to reject any order that does not fulfill our rules, procedures of operations and policies.

Clients who request products and services through the program of the AFFILIATED one will be named like clients of “El Grial”. All the rules, policies and procedures of “El Grial”, will also be applied to these clients. We have the right to at any time change to our policies and procedures of operations. The prices and availability of products and services can vary.

Commissions requirements.
The AFFILIATED ones of “El Grial” must have at least an active connection from their Web site to to be able to receive commissions.

Described sites.
“El Grial” reserves the right not to accept any Web site to the Program of Affiliation based on the content of its Web site. The sites webs that are not approved for “El Grial” Affiliation Program, will be those that:

· Promotes explicit sexually matter.
· Promotes violence.
· Promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, minusvalía, sexual preference or age.
· Promotes illegal activities.
· Violates intellectual property rights.

Not asked for commercial email.
“El Grial” does not participate in any form in sending commercial mass email not asked f (ej. Spamming) and all the AFFILIATED ones must also adhere to this policy. The breach of this policy will entail the completion of the contract and the immediate dismissal of the Program of Affiliation of “El Grial”, without reimbursement.

Relation between “El Grial” and the AFFILIATED.
AFFILIATED and the “El Grial”, are independent contractors and nothing in this agreement will create no association, property in common, agency, tax exemption, commercial representative or relation of use between “El Grial” and the AFFILIATED one. The AFFILIATED one will not have any authority to make or to accept supplies from “El Grial”.

Responsibility Limitation.
“El Grial” will not be responsible by indirect or consecuenciales damages (or by any loss of income, benefits or data) that arises in relation to this Agreement or the Program, still if we have been warned on the possibility of these damages. In addition, our added responsibility that arises with respect to this Agreement and the Program will not exceed the total of the commissions paid to You or that they would have of being paid to You under this agreement.

We do not make any guarantee or representation with respect to the Program of Affiliation de”El Grial” or its potential gain income of the Program of Affiliation. In addition, we did not guarantee that the operation of our Web site or the sites webs of the AFFILIATED ones will be without interruption or without errors and we will not be responsible by the consequences caused by these interruptions or errors.

Agreement extension.
The duration in the present Agreement will be of six months as of the date of its company/signature. The Agreement will renew automatically per periods of six months unless one of the parts communicated by any means that guarantee the fehaciencia of date and content, its desire of not renewing it. Both parts will be able to do without at any time the present Agreement, and with a warning of 15 days natural, communicating this desire to the other part, in writing.

In case of controversy between the parts derived from the present agreement, the part that has a claim to make to another part will communicate it in writing. Both parts, of good faith, will try to reach a solution in common agreement, within a term of 30 days natural to count from the date of the written communication prementioned.

If passed the established term of thirty days natural, have been no understanding between the parts, these, resigning previously to the own law that could correspond to them, are put under the Valencia courts.

If it does click in "CONTINUING", is according to becoming a “El Grial” AFFILIATED, declaring of this form that understands and accepts all and each one of the conditions described in this "Affiliation Agreement of El Grial”".

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01.White Gold 50 gr. (Powder)
02.Calc. Sulph. (Sulfato de Calcio) x 350
03.Red Lion 30 ml. (Potable Gold)
04.White Gold 60 ml. (Ormus)
05.Black Gold 30 gr. (Powder)
06.Kali. Phos. (Potassium Phosphate) x 350
07.Silicium G5 Siliplant (1000 ml.)
08.Pre-recorded radionic cards (9,30 x 6 cm.)
09.Boulder of Shungit (2 - 4 cm.)
10.Colloidal Silver (100 ml. - 10 ppm)
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Toda la información que se haya en este site, se da únicamente a título informativo. No pretende diagnosticar, curar o tratar ninguna enfermedad. Si usted se encuentra enfermo, acuda a su médico o especialista.El IVA no está incluido en los precios.

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Vitamin Ingles

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