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Black Gold 30 gr. (Powder) 39.25€




It is a unique gift from the nature, not otherwise known as. This is a natural river sediment born deep in the mountains of Oregon and is rich in elements in M-State, silica, electrolytes and trace elements (approximately 70) of a large bioavailability.


The form of silica (SiO4 tetrahedron), confers special properties to combat the poisoning caused by chemical, radiation and heavy metals, since it binds to them making them disposable.


It has great properties for the cell renewal and rejuvenation, gradually increasing our energy and wellbeing. In fact, it is advisable to improve the sleep quality and in relaxation or meditation practices as yoga, Zen, Chi Gong, etc.

If you find this interesting, wait to see the rest of the discovery.



This form of Gold in Dust, is connected with the archetype of the "shadow" Jung found in their investigations. So it is about the great integrator of the contents of our "shadow."

Its dark color suggests several aspects and the most important questions of our consciousness:

- The death, the magic, the night and mystery.

- It is the most enigmatic color and it is associated with fear and the unknown.

- Black color also represents authority, strength, intransigence and unwanted aspects.


Black Gold (Powder) completely reset our body energy, balancing our hormonal system. Special mention must be exercised over the action over pineal gland, which produces naturally the melatonin and on the pituitary, which produces in a natural way the growth hormone (HGH).

To accept and acknowledge our own shadow is an important mission, because due to that it is possible to reach the awareness and the fullness. This is one of the most important experiences in lifetime. To balance our rigid cultural indoctrination, we need to work the shadow every day.



At the time of sleep, work and energy adjustments are made that we were unable to integrate into the vigil, and that is why it is so important to rest well and take advantage of what the dream world gives us.

In this moment is where best moves Black Gold (Powder). As we have said, taking the Black Gold (Powder) promotes the health of our dream life that is a very important part to our health and development, removing and cleaning up toxic contents of our subconscious or frozen, which would be damaging our health and wellbeing.

This may explain the very vivid dreams and so deep sleep that you can experience when you are taking Black Gold. Some people reach very lucid dreams and have significant impact on quality life.



The "shadow" aspect which inhabits this product in our subconscious is the rejected one, the ignored one for not being socially acceptable. This is an effort to adapt ourselves to access our evolution, and that goes away in a dark room all our life experiences that can not be accepted or recognized as their own.


Jung called the "shadow" as:


-"Our darkness brother that even though being invisible, is part of our personality."


Black Gold (Powder) helps us to integrate the subconscious contents adequately, mainly through the dream, but also in meditation and retreat periods, we can find in Black Gold (Powder) a powerful and loving ally.

After the "shadow" is our Soul, when we have been able to integrate the "shadow" we will be in direct line with the Soul or the Alchemist’s Anima Mundi.




In general terms the "shadow" is the dark part of the soul of every human being. In another way we can say that in this land of the unconscious meet all human miseries pertaining to individuals and

communities, experiences, feelings, images, symbols that can be personal and universal.


Evil, selfishness, envy, the lust for dominance, power, greed for money, jealousy, greed, kitsch, laziness, presumptuousness, neglect, manipulation, cowardice, and many of our fears emotions and feelings that are not easy to recognize as part of our personality.


Many times we realize when they lead us to conflict with others, aggressive unexpected events, feelings of guilt, selfishness and inexplicable depressions and, above all, do not fit with the image we have of ourselves nor fit the social image we want to give.

Normally when the individual cannot assume these features by himself, he attributed them to others; it means he projects them onto the others. Thus we see reflected our own flaws, or limitations, in the negative attitudes we adopt toward those around us. When prejudice and exacerbated critics prevent us to interact with neighbors, with colleagues, with the other races, with foreigners, with the other countries, is running the individual shadow as a non integrated part of the psyche. But also the groups, families, organizations and various components of the social structure have their own shadow.


This heavy negativity carries a huge potential psychological energy that can arrive to invade the consciousness producing some unfortunate effects over human relations. The shadow’s destructive capacity is very powerful and it is individual responsibility to fight for their integration into the total personality to transform that energy into creativity.


When this happens there is a growth of the confidence in our real capabilities and the acceptance of the limitations that every human being has activating the development potential until then didn’t flow. So creativity is manifested in all levels of life, not just art.

It has been said that the idea of the shadow of Jung's theory would be equivalent to Freud’s concept of the unconscious, however, the energetic design of the psyche of Jung implies the possibility of transforming the destructive in constructive. From negative instinctive into life energy.



Prof. Dr. Rebeca Retamales Rojas.

Black Gold (Powder): Sediment from natural source rich in minerals in M-State (Monatomic), silicon (SiO4), trace elements and electrolytes.

Recommendation of use of Black Gold (Powder):

¼ teaspoon solved in any liquid or directly under the tongue, about 1 hour before bedtime or before any relaxation or meditation.

Current Reviews: 1
This product was added to our catalog on Monday 19 January, 2009.

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