31-01-2007 News nº 2

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A North American study has revealed that the children with iron deficit have problems of learning and intellectual yield.


The children who undergo iron deficiency have greater problems of learning in subjets nails, like mathematics, reading and written expression. This one is one of the main conclusions of a study made by the Departments of Nutrition and Neurociencia of the University of Pensilvania, in the United States, that returns to show the importance of this mineral in the infantile feeding. In order to reach this conclusion, the North American investigators studied the iron levels of about 200 children and children at different moments from their childhood. This way, he was observed that those children who had undergone deficit of this mineral when they were small experienced problems of learning and intellectual yield after the years. The study also has warned that the lack of iron in the childhood can get to have other serious consequences, like anxiety, depression or problems of social integration in the adult life. The iron deficit also affects the Spanish children. An investigation made by Superior Centre d'Ensenyament of Nutrició i Diete'tica (CESNID), assigned to the University of Barcelona, that has evaluated the iron ingestion of 2,600 Spanish homes during a year, has revealed that the average of consumption of this mineral in children and adolescents is below the number recommended for its age.


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Causes and solutions to the scholastic failure.


The school usually is the show window where the infantile malaises are pronounced. Sometimes the detonating is the arrival of the bulletin or the meeting of parents, other times the educational appointment to the papas of the boy who has difficulties.


 Not always at home it is easy to realize that something does not walk well. There are more demanding parents, more tolerant others and in average a great amount of possibilities in relation to the scholastic development of a boy.


The specialists agree in the importance of distinguishing the scholastic failure of the low yield or difficulties in the learning. A scholastic failure implies the boy, to the educational ones and the institution. Multiple reasons exist for which it can be originated. When one takes place the scholastic failure would be necessary to analyze all the factors: school nonadapted. Emotional questions, insufficient nutrients, problems related to the not diagnosed vision or hearing, among others.


It is necessary to distinguish in addition that all the thoughtless children or that do not behave bad have neurological problems, but that exists other causes that could be originating thi...

Illustrious appointments:

 "If somebody looks for  health, ask him if he is ready to avoid in the future, the causes of the disease; in opposite case do not  help him ".   Socrates.


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Comments & collaborations:

The DNA it can be influenced and be programmed again by words and frequencies, according to it has demonstrated the last discoveries of Russian scientists. The human DNA he is one biological, and superior one in many aspects to the artificial one. The last Russian investigation, direct or indirectly explains phenomena like Clear-sightedness, spontaneous and remote intuition, acts of healing, techniques of affirmation, unusual dawns of light around people (mainly masterful spiritual), the mental influence on the patterns of time and much more.

In addition, evidence for a new type of medicine exists in which the DNA it can be influenced and be reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT removing and replacing the individual genes. Only 10% of our DNA are being used to produce proteins. It is this sub-classification of the DNA categorie the one that is of interest for the western investigators and is being examined.

Other 90% are considered "DNA sweepings". The Russian investigators, of all ways, convinced that the nature was not quiet, reunited to genetists, and linguists in a company to explore those 90% of "DNA sweepings". Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary!

According to them, our DNA he is not only responsible for the construction of our body but that also serves like storage as information...


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